Electric Vehicles in Africa a Necessity.
One cannot look away from the fact that electric vehicles are the future of automobiles and the need for control of carbon in the atmosphere is so important and cannot be overstressed. Electric vehicles in simple terms are plug-in electric automobile that are propelled by one or more electric motors, using energy typically stored in rechargeable batteries.
As the need for electric vehicles grows rapidly and the spread of electric vehicles is progressively increasing on can only imagine why this wonderful advancement hasn’t surfaced yet or isn’t so popular in Africa and taking Nigeria as a case study. I would explain why this is so and the risk involved if things do not change.
According to the National Bureau of Statics, vehicle population in Nigeria is 11.64 millionth commercial vehicles according for the largest share. Commercial vehicles accounts for 53.8%, private 44.5%, Government and diplomatic vehicles take up 1.7%. The statistics clearly shows that the rate of pollution in the Nigerian ecosystem via carbon is massive since commercial vehicles are 53.8%.
As much as there isn’t no direct statistic to show the percentage of vehicles traveling interstate, one can only makeup the assumption that a large percentage of these vehicles move intrastate for various reasons ranging from work to business and pleasure.
A city like Lagos which is one of the world’s busiest cities with an increasing traffic congestion, vehicle owners are poised with the choice of either driving and getting tied up in the traffic or transport themselves via commercial vehicles. In a conversation with Mr Emeka Okoye a technological expert, he highlighted some of these reasons which are ernoumous and would be carefully explained as I progress in writing this piece.